When your in a relationship and work as hard as we do, you desperately need a bit of me time to yourself. Vacation Time. Places to get away from lovers, friends, work, family and especially the kids. What vacation are you due for? For Adina and myself, we needed a Bea-cation. I'm Marco from Miami, but reside in Boston. My beautiful, intelligent and sexy lover of one year is Adina, also from Miami. Well she's actually from the island of Cuba, but we met in Boston. "Babe, we haven't even explained what we are doing in the story yet!", says Adina. Okay beautiful, you can explain. My persistent, leader and special lady will be helping me co-write this story. And Yes, I will be using various descriptive adjectives for this woman. Only because, she is actually incredible mentally on her feet, which over shadows her looks. She's very special to me. "Okay, guys, we will be writing a love story about a true event that happened, with various name ...